With the increased use of smart phones and tablets, along with the countless social media apps and sites that are springing up left and right, people are more connected than ever before. We’re sharing more and more online, without necessarily stopping to consider the long-term consequences that their Facebook post, Tweet, Snapchat message, or Facebook…

Have you ever been in a meeting, a wedding, or perhaps a church service and your cell phone rings? We’ve all experienced that moment of panic as we fumbled to turn off the ringer as quickly as possible. Well, we can all feel a little better about ourselves after the Associated Press reported, Justice Stephen…

With the advent of social media, it is not hard to see the types and number of frivolous lawsuits in our country. There was the bank robber who was shot by a deputy. He then sued the city to cover his medical expenses. An inmate sued the NFL over the Dallas Cowboy’s 2015 playoff loss….

One of the least expensive elections to an auto insurance policy is called Personal Injury Protection, referred to generally as “PIP” (P-I-P). Most people may not realize this is a coverage they have on their policies—it is a relatively obscure and innocuous coverage and goes hand-in-hand with Uninsured/Underinsured (“UM/UIM”) coverage. People may not realize they…

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